Injury Prevention in Sport & Physical Activity: What's the game plan?
This white paper was developed with support from the Ontario Trillium Foundation through its Province Wide funding stream. The major partners of the Play Safe Initiative provided additional support: the Centre for Injury Prevention at Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre, the Faculty of Health and Behavioural Sciences at Lakehead University, and the Dr. Tom Pashby Sports Safety Fund.
Highlight: Injury in sport and physical activity is a significant public health issue in Canada, costing our health care system nearly $1.5 billion in 2010. However, there is relatively little awareness of the magnitude of the problem outside of a few highly publicized cases of concussion among professional athletes. The rate of injury has been increasing at all ages yet public health policy and protocols around injury risk reduction and injury prevention remain limited and inconsistent across the country. Consequently, the vast majority of Canadians remain exposed to unnecessary risks of injury when they participate in sport and physical activity...Read more below:
Highlight: Injury in sport and physical activity is a significant public health issue in Canada, costing our health care system nearly $1.5 billion in 2010. However, there is relatively little awareness of the magnitude of the problem outside of a few highly publicized cases of concussion among professional athletes. The rate of injury has been increasing at all ages yet public health policy and protocols around injury risk reduction and injury prevention remain limited and inconsistent across the country. Consequently, the vast majority of Canadians remain exposed to unnecessary risks of injury when they participate in sport and physical activity...Read more below:
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