Working Together to Reduce Injuries in Sport and Physical Activity International Children’s Games Data Collection Training Manual©
Introduction to the Play Safe Initiative
Sports injuries represent a substantial economic cost for the Canadian healthcare system. Smartrisk’s 2009 Economic Burden of Injuries Report found that being struck by sports equipment cost the Canadian health care system approximately $188 million in direct and indirect costs. However, this only offers a snapshot of the economic impact as the report exclusively identifies hospital reported injuries and does not account for all sport-related injuries. Also not tracked are doctor’s visits, rehabilitation costs, and the spinoff expenses faced by provincial education systems whose expenditure would likely amount to billions of dollars in economic costs directly resulting from these serious types of sport injuries.
According to Driscoll, Harrison and Langley (2004), relevant, accurate, and reliable data are required to understand injury, and then to create programs that can help to prevent injuries. This is where the Play Safe Initiative (PSI) comes in. PSI includes the development of the Web-based Injury Support Environment (WISE™) that provides the capacity to collect and analyze data that can support research and the development of consistent resources, programs, education and policy with an aim to reduce the risk of injury. For more information about PSI see our website:
On-line Data Collection Form - Overview
The 2013 International Children’s Games (ICG) provides us with a second opportunity to utilize an injury prevention program. Initially implemented for the 2012 Ontario Summer Games (OSG), this program includes a formal method of sports injury surveillance, reporting, data collection, and data analyses. Injury surveillance and reporting are invaluable tools for helping to identify specific injury risk factors, and sports-specific common injuries, and thus produce and implement injury prevention techniques and programs, thereby creating a safer sports environment for participants. We have modeled our survey system after the injury surveillance system created by the International Olympic Committee, and successfully used at the Olympics since 2004, as well as the previously noted OSG.
All newly acquired injuries (traumatic or overuse), incurred in competition or training during the International Children’s Games must be reported. This includes all injuries that received medical attention, and re-injuries of previously healed injuries during the period of the Games. The athlete’s accreditation number, sports and event, and round/heat or training must be recorded, along with the date and time of injury.
Completing the ICG Medical Incident Report Form
This form is found at and a home screen icon has be loaded onto the Tablets.
Register to begin
Use the Login on return visits
Sports injuries represent a substantial economic cost for the Canadian healthcare system. Smartrisk’s 2009 Economic Burden of Injuries Report found that being struck by sports equipment cost the Canadian health care system approximately $188 million in direct and indirect costs. However, this only offers a snapshot of the economic impact as the report exclusively identifies hospital reported injuries and does not account for all sport-related injuries. Also not tracked are doctor’s visits, rehabilitation costs, and the spinoff expenses faced by provincial education systems whose expenditure would likely amount to billions of dollars in economic costs directly resulting from these serious types of sport injuries.
According to Driscoll, Harrison and Langley (2004), relevant, accurate, and reliable data are required to understand injury, and then to create programs that can help to prevent injuries. This is where the Play Safe Initiative (PSI) comes in. PSI includes the development of the Web-based Injury Support Environment (WISE™) that provides the capacity to collect and analyze data that can support research and the development of consistent resources, programs, education and policy with an aim to reduce the risk of injury. For more information about PSI see our website:
On-line Data Collection Form - Overview
The 2013 International Children’s Games (ICG) provides us with a second opportunity to utilize an injury prevention program. Initially implemented for the 2012 Ontario Summer Games (OSG), this program includes a formal method of sports injury surveillance, reporting, data collection, and data analyses. Injury surveillance and reporting are invaluable tools for helping to identify specific injury risk factors, and sports-specific common injuries, and thus produce and implement injury prevention techniques and programs, thereby creating a safer sports environment for participants. We have modeled our survey system after the injury surveillance system created by the International Olympic Committee, and successfully used at the Olympics since 2004, as well as the previously noted OSG.
All newly acquired injuries (traumatic or overuse), incurred in competition or training during the International Children’s Games must be reported. This includes all injuries that received medical attention, and re-injuries of previously healed injuries during the period of the Games. The athlete’s accreditation number, sports and event, and round/heat or training must be recorded, along with the date and time of injury.
Completing the ICG Medical Incident Report Form
This form is found at and a home screen icon has be loaded onto the Tablets.
Register to begin
Use the Login on return visits
Access the ICG Medical Incident Reporting Form by clicking on: Go to the injury reporting forms menu
Enter data directly into the on-line form using both typing and the drop down menus.
The first section of the form requires athlete identification and contact information. Where there is direct typing required, do not press “enter”, just click outside the box to return to the form.
Enter data directly into the on-line form using both typing and the drop down menus.
The first section of the form requires athlete identification and contact information. Where there is direct typing required, do not press “enter”, just click outside the box to return to the form.
The second section covers information by the Medical and Injury Prevention Committee. This section is must be completed regardless of whether or not injury has occurred.
The third section relates to reporting injuries. The initial component requires information about the date/time the injury occurred (or best approximation), as well as the date/time the injury was reported. These may, in fact, be the same; however, it is possible for an injury to be reported later.
The person reporting the injury must also be identified. In the case of “Other”, please type in an identity for that person (e.g., volunteer, team manager, etc.)The event name and round/heat should also be included in this section.
The fourth section collects information specific to the injury. Using the various drop down menus, identify all relevant information related to the reported injury.
The fourth section collects information specific to the injury. Using the various drop down menus, identify all relevant information related to the reported injury.
This section also uses drop down menus and allows for collecting information related to illness. These data are collected by using drop down menus and selected the appropriate response. If the individual in question is not able to readily identify symptoms, etc., use other and provide as much information as possible.
The second to last section relates to your assessment of the athlete’s fitness to continue. Should the participant decline treatment, check the “Treatment refused” box. Check the appropriate box depending on the nature of the assessment. Please complete the “Remarks” section as completely as possible.
Once all data are entered, click the Submit button to move onto the next page. If you feel the data have been entered inaccurately simply hit “Click to Reset” and follow the above steps again.
Once submitted you will automatically be forwarded to the second page that generates a summary report and confirms data entry. This is to be reviewed for any possible data entry errors.
Click on “ICG Sports Injury Home Page” to submit additional data and simply repeat the above process for all incidents to be report.
Brandy Tanenbaum: 416-417-7138 (cell) or email [email protected]
Brandy Tanenbaum: 416-417-7138 (cell) or email [email protected]